GenCyber Summer Cybersecurity Camps

Summer Cybersecurity Camp for High School Teachers

Grand Canyon University has received a grant from the National Security Agency (NSA) and National Science Foundation (NSF) to host the GenCyber Summer Cybersecurity Camp for teachers of grades 9-12.

Starting July 2021, this engaging camp offers hands-on labs and a field trip to learn from cybersecurity engineers. Plus, all participants get a FREE Raspberry Pi computer!

Cybersecurity Camp for 9-12 Teachers 

  • When: July 12-16, 2021
  • Class Schedule: TBD
  • Where: Grand Canyon University, Cyber Center of Excellence
  • Cost: Free!

GenCyber camps are open to participants at no cost. During the camps, participants will receive a Raspberry Pi computer, a powerful mini-PC they can use to continue their cybersecurity explorations after the camp experience concludes.



What is the GenCyber Program?

GenCyber's mission is to increase the number and diversity of students studying cybersecurity throughout the United States to fill the expected one million new jobs that will be open in the coming years. GenCyber’s summer camps are designed for elementary, middle and high school students and teachers. To learn more, visit GenCyber.

The GenCyber program operates on three primary goals:

  • Increase interest in cybersecurity careers and diversity in the cybersecurity workforce of the nation
  • Help all students understand correct and safe online behavior
  • Improve teaching methods for delivering cybersecurity content for 9-12 programs

What will be covered in the training? 

  • The six GenCyber cybersecurity concepts
  • Methodologies and tools of cybersecurity implementation
  • Techniques for teaching and creation of lesson plans
  • Support, networking and continuing education opportunities throughout the year

What to Know Before Enrolling

GenCyber camps are open to high school teachers who teach, intend to teach or advise technology courses and clubs at their school. A maximum of 40 participants will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. There is no registration fee and a stipend will be paid to each attendee. Each participant will receive a free Rasberry Pi computing device. All training will take place at the Grand Canyon University campus in the Cyber Center of Excellence and its Cyber Warfare Range. Speakers and facilitators will be drawn from GCU’s faculty and the cybersecurity industry. Travel and lodging expenses are not covered, but lunch will be provided each day and parking is free.

Contact for more information: [email protected]

GenCyber Teacher Participation Application Form