Web Specification Sheet
Homepage | ||
Main Slider (PSD) | HPMS | 1920 x 700 |
Secondary Slider (PSD) | HPSS | 1920 x 750 |
Choose your path | HPCYP | 360 x 360 |
Academic Programs | HPAP | 360 x 360 |
* Events | HPE | 360 x 360 |
* Blogs | HPB | Sizes vary (avg. 300 x 200) |
* News | HPN | Sizes vary |
Spotlight | HPS | 400 x 300 |
* GCUTV | HPTV | 1280 x 720 |
* The images for Events, Blogs, News, and GCUTV are all pulled dynamically from feeds. |
Internal Page | ||
Header Small (PSD) | PHS | 1400 x 350 |
Header Large (PSD) | PHL | 1400 x 700 |
Degree Program Hero (PSD) | PDPH | 2000 x 300 |
*1:1 | PC1 | 555 x 555 |
*4:3 | PC2 | 555 x 416 |
*3:4 | PC3 | 555 x 740 |
*16:9 (default) | PC4 | 555 x 312 |
*9:16 | PC5 | 555 x 986 |
Faculty (PSD) | PF | 300 x 320 |
* Images used within the content body should adhere to the following aspect ratios: 1:1, 4:3, 3:4, 16:9, 9:16 |
Homepage Carousel | -- | 525 x 390 |
News Highlights | -- | 345 x 260 |
Homepage Carousel | -- | 1920 x 1080 |
Student Portraits | -- | 215 x 270 |
Homepage Carousel | -- | 1160 x 520 |
Inner/Secondary Page Header | -- | 1160 x 180 |
Room Images | -- | 700 x 480 |
Homepage Slideshow | AHS | 1000 x 300 |
Homepage Upcoming Events | AUE | 340 x 70 |
Homepage Featured Events | AFE | 340 x 127 |
Homepage Highlights | AHH | 110 x 63 |
Homepage Our Sponsors | AOS | 80 x 69 |
Upcoming Events Page | AE | 700 x 70 |
Event Images | AI | 700 x 466 |
About Us Page | AU | 700 x 466 |
Display Ad Skyscraper | AAS | 160 x 600 |
Display Ad Rectangle | AAR | 180 x 150 |
Arena Screens | A | 1920 x 1080 |
Arena Lobby | AL | 1280 x 256 |
Ribbon Board Full | RB | 1396 x 80 |
Ribbon Board Basketball | RBB | 1096 x 80 |
Score Table West | STW | 768 x 80 |
Score Table East | STE | 1280 x 80 |
COE Building | C | 1440 x 810 |
Camnelback & 33rd Ave | M (main entrance) | 1440 x 810 |
Digital Message Board | DMB | 1920 x 1080 |
Digital Message Board Social Media | DMBS | 400 x 440 |
Student Union DMB | SU | 1080 x 1920 |
Email Header | EML | 550 x 200-250 |
Alumni Email Header | EMLAL | 600 x 200-250 |
Athletics Email Header | EMLAT | 700 x 200-250 |
Powerpoint Backgrounds
Powerpoint Widescreen Background | PPTW | 2000 x 1125 (16:9 ratio) |
Powerpoint Standard Background | PPTS | 1500 x 1125 (4:3 ratio) |
1 | 336 x 160 |
2 | 704 x 200 |
3 | 720 x 208 |
4 | 912 x 304 |
5 | 1400 x 400 |
I17 | 704 x 240 |
Social Media
Social Media Timeline | SMT | 1920 x 1080 |
Facebook Cover Photo | CP | 851 x 315 |
Facebook Group Cover Photo | GCP | 802 x 200 |
Facebook Profile | F | 1200 x 1200 |
Square Post | IS | 1080 x 1080 |
Vertical Post | IV | 1080 x 1350 |
Twitter Cover | TC | 1500 x 500 |
Twitter Profile | TP | 806 x 806 |
YouTube (TV to small monitor: surfer image) | YT | 2120 x 1192 |
Linkedin (home page image) | LI | 646 x 220 |
Google Plus
Google Plus (home page image) | GP | 1080 x 608 |
CVENT | CVT | 770 x 370 |
Channel 22
Channel 22 (internal student channel) | CH | 1500 x 1125 |