Meet with Your NCLEX Success Manager

Increase Your Chances for Success

Do you want to improve your success rate by developing a strategic plan, learning effective testing strategies, analyzing your test results and improving remediation?

Make an individual appointment to meet with your NCLEX success manager!

In-person meetings are available in the Phoenix area. For those outside of Phoenix, remote meetings are an option. Have your HESI or NCLEX test results and your success plan ready for your meeting.

Explore More Sessions

Hear directly from your NCLEX success manager and take advantage of the NCLEX/HESI Explore More Sessions. These sessions provide additional support beyond the classroom and can be watched on your own time.

"Are You Ready to Test?" Group Sessions

Level 4 Clinical Nursing Students

Are you ready for NCLEX? Do you have a plan once you graduate? Get a head start by developing a personalized plan for your NCLEX success. Sign up for an "Are You Ready to Test?" session to learn tips and strategies for developing a successful plan.

During your session you will:

  • Understand how to read a HESI Exit report
  • Implement techniques to improve gaps found on HESI Exit
  • Develop a detailed plan for success on NCLEX

Bring your computer and be prepared to login to your Evolve account.

For help with scheduling, email Amy Leach at [email protected]. If you're not able to make your scheduled appointment, please cancel it in sign up.

*The resources on this page are intended for students in the clinical portion of their pre-licensure nursing program.